
23 January 2010

A Spring Baptism...

This was my son, Jorge Sebastian's Baptism Reception...It was held at his god-mother's house and it was just spectacular...Our theme was Spring - the centerpieces were bird cages filled with yellow daisys.

In this photograph you can see the almonds that were placed in clear plastic tins that have a small bird attached. These birds came in a box of assorted colors and were the perfect detail to top of my almonds.

Picture above are the napkins and the small boxes that were both wrapped with yellow ribbon and lace and attached with a pearl end pin. The tables also had lace overlays - the tablecloths underneath were yellow as well. In the small box were individual rum cakes that had my son's baptismal portrait scanned over them....

of course, we had to have the real thing....these were our little guests that were placed in their lovely cage on the gift trolley pictured below.... :)
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